Sunday, April 11, 2010

Our Belief

The childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day
– John Milton

Children who are happy within relate well to others, feel motivated to learn, perform better academically and create positive relationships with their teachers, family and classmates.
It is this inner connection with themselves that becomes a source of clarity for all time and situations. Any skill or understanding that comes from within this space plays a crucial role in shaping a personality.

Playnasium is an endeavor to address this inner space within each child to groom emotional maturity and social ability which form the base of personal and professional success.

The workshop based on an intricate perspective of education conveys subtle learning through simple play therapy modules.

Emotional Maturity:
Identifying exact emotions helps to deal with challenging situations appropriately. Anger, sadness, fear and happiness are only few of the emotions that we experience. As children increase their vocabulary of emotions and learn the appropriate behavioural response to each of these, they learn to ‘act’ rather than to ‘react’. This significantly lowers stress through the growing years, and also nurtures healthy Interpersonal-relationships and builds confidence.

The formative years can hone or dampen the inner abilities of a child. By examining ways of building self confidence, they learn to focus on the positive traits and experiences. This boosts Self esteem, increases the ability to communicate and express emotions, commitment, and intimacy preparing them to take on the challenges of life without fear and doubt.

Maturity is incomplete without meaningful relationships. A healthy relationship is built on the foundation of mutual trust and respect which brings the freedom to express and admit strengths and weaknesses without the fear of being judged or rejected. One learns to accept their differences and stand by each other through thick and thin.

Decision Making:
During early adolescence young people begin to make decisions that have lasting effects on their lives. They will make decisions about various issues whether or not they have the skills, experience, and knowledge to choose wisely. Encouraging and guiding the process of making small decisions today can help children make the more important ones with a positive attitude in the future.

Goal Setting:
Setting and achieving carefully chosen goals can help increase a child’s confidence, sense of control over their lives, and feelings of competence. Identifying positive role-models and building positive perceptions of ones own abilities are central to achieving success. Research suggests that children who feel a sense of self control and responsibility in their lives remain self confident even when they experience occasional failures.

Academic Performance:
Understanding a child’s pattern of learning and proper guidance according to this pattern maximizes his/her interest and ability to understand any subject. It reduces the pressure of performance and builds concepts for scoring at exams as well as future application.

The complex growth environment poses numerous challenges to children today. Social and emotional skills become essential to pave way to a happy, healthy and productive life ahead and also lay the foundation for coping strategies that would enable them to bounce back from difficult times.

While understanding the importance of this, parents often feel incompetent to transfer it effectively to their children for various reasons. Yet accurate information from the correct source is of utmost importance since the innocent mind is incapable of differentiating appropriate from inappropriate, and may not even be able to communicate the inner feelings or questions. Whatever is imprinted on the tender mind has its effects for all of later life.

At Playnasium, we are committed to the holistic care and positive growth of children. Developing their social, emotional and intellectual skills is a core component of this. Obviously, this does not happen over-night, the child learns by experience of various situations in daily life. Parents therefore become important associates in the guided learning processes.

Before and after workshop ‘Parent Discussion Sessions’ helps to understand each child and address his/her difficulties while also orienting parents towards specific needs of the child.

The team at Playnasium hopes to conduct a series of workshops addressing emotional & intellectual issues in children to equip them better in the modern competitive life.
Another aspect of Playnasium is that it can also be tailor made for children with specific difficulties. A homogenous group of children with similar difficulties – emotional, behavioural, neuro-psychiatric, or developmental can be arranged and specific play activities can be structured in order to boost their inner strengths and capabilities and promote positive self-image and self-esteem.

The objective is to reach out to children and through children to parents, caregivers and ourselves to find the inner space of creativity and understanding. Thus it is intended as a collective effort to find the space of inspiration within each of us. We welcome you to join us in our effort to empower ourselves and our children to choose a healthier life.

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